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Hello My Name Is Leticia Rains I teach AP Spanish 4  Italian 1, Italian 2 and Pre-AP Italian 3 Spain 2011   Spanish Club members trips abroad Summer of 2011 ~ Spain & Morocco Spring Break of 2012 ~ Paris & Spain Summer of 2012 ~ Costa Rica  Summer of 2013 ~ London, Paris, Switzerland & Italy Spring Break of 2014~ Peru  Summer of 2014 ~ Australia/New Zealand and Hawaii  Spring Break of 2015 ~ Barcelona & Madrid Summer of 2015 ~ Brazil, Argentina & Uruguay Summer of 2016 ~ Greek Islands, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Paris & London. Summer of 2017 ~ London, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Greece. Summer of 2018 ~ London, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Greece. Summer of 2019 ~ Scotland & Ireland Summer of 2019~  Japan For the summer of 2020, we are planning an exciting 20 days trip to Europe! This trip was postponed to the summer of 2021 due to Covid 19  England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and a 3 day Cruise of the Greek Islands Go to and check out our tour! Tour Number2384100KM   More and more colleges and universities are looking for international experience on students' applications to set them apart. Travel isn't just educational; it's an investment that gives our students an advantage in a competitive world. This experience is one that my students will carry with them for the rest of their lives and has inspired them to learn more about the world in which they live. Thank you! This is my 12th. year teaching Spanish and my 6th. year teaching Italian for Hobbs High School. I arrived to United States without the knowledge of the English language. I understand what the students feel because I have experienced the frustrations and gratifications while learning a new language. I have a genuine regard for students and parents and always strive to treat them fairly and with respect.     
Posted by RainsE  On Aug 10, 2020 at 1:21 PM
Hello My Name Is Leticia Rains I teach AP Spanish 4  Italian 1, Italian 2 and Pre-AP Italian 3 Spain 2011   Spanish Club members trips abroad Summer of 2011 ~ Spain & Morocco Spring Break of 2012 ~ Paris & Spain Summer of 2012 ~ Costa Rica  Summer of 2013 ~ London, Paris, Switzerland & Italy Spring Break of 2014~ Peru  Summer of 2014 ~ Australia/New Zealand and Hawaii  Spring Break of 2015 ~ Barcelona & Madrid Summer of 2015 ~ Brazil, Argentina & Uruguay Summer of 2016 ~ Greek Islands, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Paris & London. Summer of 2017 ~ London, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Greece. Summer of 2018 ~ London, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Greece. Summer of 2019 ~ Scotland & Ireland Summer of 2019~  Japan For the summer of 2020, we are planning an exciting 20 days trip to Europe! This trip was postponed to the summer of 2021 due to Covid 19  England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and a 3 day Cruise of the Greek Islands Go to and check out our tour! Tour Number2384100KM   More and more colleges and universities are looking for international experience on students' applications to set them apart. Travel isn't just educational; it's an investment that gives our students an advantage in a competitive world. This experience is one that my students will carry with them for the rest of their lives and has inspired them to learn more about the world in which they live. Thank you! This is my 12th. year teaching Spanish and my 6th. year teaching Italian for Hobbs High School. I arrived to United States without the knowledge of the English language. I understand what the students feel because I have experienced the frustrations and gratifications while learning a new language. I have a genuine regard for students and parents and always strive to treat them fairly and with respect.     
Posted by RainsE  On Aug 10, 2020 at 1:19 PM
Tell me what you have baked this past few weeks?
Posted by Guest  On Apr 07, 2020 at 8:13 PM
Comment on the things you have been creating at home for the last 3 weeks!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 07, 2020 at 8:10 PM
ELA –PARCC Practice Helper Passage 1            Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell pages 4-5                                 Use CAPP Strategy to read and annotate passage.                                 Answer Questions 1-5, pages 6-10. Passage 2            “from Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad, pages 11-12 Use CAPP strategy or read and annotate looking for elements of literature: characters, setting, and plot. Answer Questions 6 and 7, pages 13-14. Passage 3            “from Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley, pages 15-17. Use CAPP strategy or read and annotate looking for elements of literature: characters, setting, and plot. Answer Questions 8-11, pages 18-21. Passage 4            “from The solitude of Self” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, pages 22-23. Use SOAPSTone Strategy to read and annotate passage. Use RARER strategy to answer questions. Answer Questions 12-16, pages 24-28. Passage 5            “Are We Causing Antibiotic Resistance by Trying to Prevent It? By Beth Skwarecki, pages 29-32.                                 Read Questions before reading and annotating passage.                                 Answer Questions 17-22, pages 33-39, using RARER strategy.   Check to make sure you have followed all directions before turning in packet as it will be graded.                 CAPP STRATEGY                                                 C = Context                                                                 Time                                                                 Place                                                                 People                                                                 Events                                                                 Motivating force behind passage                                                 A = Audience                                                                 Knowledge                                                                 Attitudes                                                                 Beliefs                                                 P = Persona of the Speaker/ Narrator                                                                 How does the speaker want to be perceived?                                                 P = Purpose   SOAPSTones Strategy         Speaker         Occasion         Audience Purpose Subject Tone or Attitude   RARER STRATEGY R – Restate the question A – Answer the Question               R – Reason for answer                 E – Evidence                R – Restate again
Posted by Guest  On Apr 01, 2016 at 9:31 AM 29 Comments
Hawthorne and Romanticism   I.  Hawthorne the writer:   One of the world’s greatest writers   Symbolism – most significant technique Used symbols more than others writers of the time period. Used symbols purposefully.   His writings examine ethical problems – not necessarily religious ones. His writings were strongly influenced by Puritan thought.   Writing is not systematic   Philosophical writer Hawthorne obsessed with the nature of good and evil goodness and sin right and wrong Hawthorne asked these basic questions of life: What the true sources of sin? Is sin inborn? Is a person who never had a chance to sin innocent? Can a sinner truly repent? What is the real fortress of evil? (the human heart)   Hawthorne is a pessimist He ridiculed the Transcendentalist philosophers. He had no faith in nature’s goodness. He sees the heart of man wicked. He believed no mistake is ever set right. He believed there is no reward for good behavior.   Hawthorne’s writing and inconclusive, ambiguous. The reader has to make his choices after seeing both sides by intuition, not logic Hawthorne’s techniques Symbolism – used frequently Characterization – characters are flat; often are used as symbols (allegory) Dialogue – weak; all characters talk the same Plot – secondary to importance of theme Theme – meaning most important; philosophical concepts   II. The Scarlet Letter   Names of some characters are suggestive Chillingworth – suggests a cold-hearted man Dimmesdale – literally a “dim valley” Pearl – grew from an imperfection; mother paid a great price for her   Arthur Dimmesdale not strong; highly mystical paradoxical life; his sin made him a better minister, but not a better man   Differences between Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale Hester commits and admits her sin; her life is healthy. Dimmesdale commits sin but doesn’t tell; this kills him.   Dimmesdale’s character helps examine the effects of sin the nature of good and evil   Chillingworth’s character Originally a kind and gentle man; older than Hester. His personal revenge makes him selfish and cruel; referred to as the devil.   The book is called a romance, yet there are no passionate love scenes. due to the time period; society censored Hawthorne wants reader to focus on the effects of sin, not sin itself   Evidence of Hester’s strength survived in a tough colonial community (physically and emotionally) fought for custody of Pearl carried Dimmesdale up the scaffold in final scene refused to implicate Dimmesdale would not remove the Scarlet A   Pearl’s personality beautiful result of a sin different from other children intuitive, teasing, and free   The scaffold scene story begins with Hester on the scaffold Chapter 11, Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale on scaffold (seven years later – night) Final scene with all three present on scaffold (day)   Symbols Scaffold – sin; punishment forest – moral wilderness; savagery, unpleasantness, danger City – society Rosebush – sweet moral blossom Sunshine – happiness Brook – Pearl’s life   III. Elements of Romanticism love of nature as a revelation of truth sympathetic interest in past interest in the psychology of emotions criticism of the norm mysticism and supernatural individual as the center of literature    
Posted by Guest  On Aug 22, 2014 at 2:39 PM 30 Comments
Week 2 
We have made it to the end of week 2. Today is the first Hobbs Eagle football game of the season. Go support your team, band, cheerleaders and coaches who have worked so hard. Show your Eagle pride and be supportive and positive of them and their efforts. It takes a huge sacrifice of time for all of them to participate in activities on our campus. Support all of the teams and activities....volleyball, soccer, tennis, choir, band, etc. You have many opportunites to get involved. Choose an activity and/or club and get plugged-in. It will make your experience at Hobbs High much richer! I have great memories of high school (yes, I can remember that far back!) Most of them revolve around the activities I was a part of. I sang in the choir and made great friends through that experience. I have great memories of the competitions, the trips and time spent with them! I attended every sporting event we had. I watched some good games and some not so good games, but that didn't matter. We were supporting our school and our friends and enjoying our time together.....get involved, be proud to be an Eagle!
Posted by Guest  On Aug 26, 2011 at 10:08 AM 31 Comments
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