Reading Summary Links: Look at Chapter 7-11
AP US Government
- The primary function of political action committees (PAC's) is to
- Interest groups and political parties both promote United States democracy by
- Critical elections in the United States typically have occurred
- Winner take all/ Plurality
- Parties –Function/Role/decline
- Reasons Low voter turnout
- Role of third parties….characteristics
- ticket splitting cause
- Nominations/ where/how
- Pluralist? Hyper pluralist/ Elite and Class
- Interest group/size/tactics/ goals/types
- Iron triangles
- differences interest groups and parties
- Media and liberalism /agenda setter
- duty of linkage Institutions
- PAC/ Super PAC
- Role of primaries/types/problems
- Divided Government
- Campaign Finance Reform/ BiPartisan Campaign Reform Act/ Citizens United
- Who votes and how
- importance of PAC $$$ and incumbents
- Frontloading
- Amicus Curie Brief
- Electoral College/Pros/Cons
- Electoral College and winner take all
- Interest group influence and strategies
- Campaign $$ and Reform