U.S. History

 US History

Wednesday 2/23 thru 2/25


(Student will…)

Will analyze the various concepts and events surrounding WWII and postwar WWII

 Will be in the Computer Labs

Then present material to the rest of the students in class in the form of a peer teaching activity

Teacher Activities

Monitor Student Progress and aid in research

Student Activities

Students will be divided into random groups where they will research each of the assigned topics.  Upon finding sufficient information each group will compile information into a PowerPoint presentation they will present to the class as well as design a form of graphic organizer (Map, Bubble chart, etc.).  Each group will also


Students will be graded upon content of presentation; Quality of presentation; Student Participation; and Organization of Material

US History

Wednesday 2/9




(Student will…)

Anaylze how postwar conditions played a role in the rise of antidemocratic governments in Europe



Teacher Activities




Student Activities

Cornell Notes/Peer Reading

Power Point Presentation




Class Discussion and writing assignment



Academic Vocabulary




Additional Resources




US History

Thursday 2\10




(Student will…)

Finish Lesson from Previous day before:

Discuss the issues surrounding how Hitler was able to take over Austria and Czchoslovakia.

Anaylze how Britain was able to resist the Nazis



Teacher Activities





Student Activities

Power Point


Grapic Organizer/Cornell Notes




Writing Assignment



Academic Vocabulary




Additional Resources

American Republic



US History

Friday 2/11



(Student will…)

Describe Nazi prejudices against Jews and early persecution of German Jews.


Teacher Activities

Check for prior knowledge – Q & A

Discuss The Holocaust

Section Quiz

6 min United Streaming clip on The Holocaust


Student Activities

Participation in discussion

Take notes as needed

Respond to Q & A




Q & A

Working Backwards – check for prior knowledge – understanding of material covered last week


Academic Vocabulary (optional by dept.)

Holocaust, Shoah, Nuremberg Laws, Wannsee Conference, concentration camp, extermination camp


Additional Resources

The American Republic


 US History

Monday 2/14



(Student will…)

Trace the events that led to increasing tensions, and ultimately war, between the United States and Japan.


Teacher Activities

Check for prior knowledge – Q & A

Discuss How and why America entered the war

Provide students with key terms and names


Student Activities

Participation in discussion

Take notes as needed

Respond to Q & A




Q & A

Working Backwards – check for prior knowledge


Academic Vocabulary

America First Committee, Lend-Lease Act, hemispheric defense zone, Atlantic Charter, strategic materials


Additional Resources

The American Republic


 US History

Tuesday 2/15



(Student will…)

Explain how Roosevelt helped Britain while maintaining official neutrality.


Teacher Activities

Check for prior knowledge – Q & A

Discuss How and why America entered the war

Provide students with key terms and names


Student Activities

Participation in discussion

Take notes as needed

Respond to Q & A




Q & A

Working Backwards – check for prior knowledge


Academic Vocabulary

America First Committee, Lend-Lease Act, hemispheric defense zone, Atlantic Charter, strategic materials


Additional Resources

The American Republic


 US History

Wednesday 2/16



(Student will…)

Explain how the United States mobilized its economy.


Teacher Activities

Check for prior knowledge

Lecture and Discuss mobilization of the war


Student Activities

Participation in discussion

Discuss change over time




Q & A

**Identification of vocabulary**


Academic Vocabulary

Cost-plus, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Liberty ship, War Production Board, Selective Service and Training Act, disfranchise


Additional Resources

The American Republic


 US History

Thursday 2/17



(Student will…)

Analyze how the Allies were able to fight a war on two fronts and turn the war against the Axis in the Pacific, Russia, and North Atlantic.


Teacher Activities

Discuss the Allies – have students write them down

Discuss the Axis  - look at the map

Discuss the two fronts


Student Activities

Take notes during discussion

Participate in discussion

Identify key vocabulary




Q & A

**Identification of vocabulary**



Academic Vocabulary

Douglas MacArthur, James Doolittle, periphery, George Patton, convoy system


Additional Resources

The American Republic


US History

Friday 2/18



Participate in comprehensive analysis of material covered in this unit surrounding WWII and events leading to this monumental event



US History

Monday 02-21



(Student will…)

Participate in Unit Assessment


Teacher Activities

Pass out scantrons

Facilitate Unit Assessment


Student Activities

Participate in Unit Assessment



Multiple Choice Assessment


Academic Vocabulary (optional by dept.)



Additional Resources

The American Republic

US History

Monday and Tuesday 11/1-11/2


(Student will…)

Explain why farmers wanted a greenback currency and why the adoption of the gold standard led to the Farmers’ Alliance


Discuss the disfranchisement of African Americans; how segregation was legalized; and how three African American leaders responded to this discrimination

Teacher Activities

Lecture and Discuss:







People’s Party

Graduated income tax



William Jennings Bryan

Student Activities

Discussion over notes

Take notes

Group Supervised Reading Activity Where each student will be assigned a to read about then will present a brief outline to the rest of the class.


Q & A




Academic Vocabulary


Additional Resources

The American Republic

 US History

Wednesday 11/3


(Student will…)

Be refreshed regarding information covered in Unit 3

Teacher Activities

Work with students to design study guide covering most influential topics

Student Activities

Work in groups and with teacher to design a Unit 3 Study Guide


Q & A




Academic Vocabulary

Unit 3

Additional Resources

The American Republic

 US History

Thursday 11/4


(Student will…)

Participate in Unit 3 Assessment

Teacher Activities

Allow students 10 minutes of study time

Pass out Scantrons

Pass out assessment

Facilitate Unit 3 Assessment

Student Activities

10 minute study time

Participate in Unit 3 Assessment


Multiple Choice/Matching/Short Answer Assessment

Academic Vocabulary

Unit 3

Additional Resources

The American Republic


US History

Friday 11/5


(Student will…)

Analyze how a desire for more trade and markets led to political change between 1877 and 1898/

Teacher Activities

Lecture and Discuss:


Matthew C. Perry


Henry Cabot Lodge

Student Activities

Participate in lecture and discuss

Independent reading

Q & A

Complete Reading Strategy which encompasses Creating a Outline of Section 1.  Along with Reading Objectives which have student analyze how a desire for more trade and markets led to political change between 1877 and 1898 and Cite the motivations for and methods of American expansion in the Pacific.



Q & A



Academic Vocabulary (optional by dept.)

As shown above

Additional Resources

The American Republic

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