Mrs. House's Blog
I decided that I would experiment with "blogging". Since I do the web site administration, it might be a good thing for me to know how this works so I can spread the knowledge to my colleagues who might like to try this. For those of us who are "technology immigrants" and are sometimes afraid to try new things, this might be a little out of our comfort zone. However, we should experiment and try to find things that will enhance our classes so we will see if I can find some good uses for this feature on the website. Please feel free to offer suggestions!

Recent Posts
Week 2 
We have made it to the end of week 2. Today is the first Hobbs Eagle football game of the season. Go support your team, band, cheerleaders and coaches who have worked so hard. Show your Eagle pride and be supportive and positive of them and their efforts. It takes a huge sacrifice of time for all of them to participate in activities on our campus. Support all of the teams and activities....volleyball, soccer, tennis, choir, band, etc. You have many opportunites to get involved. Choose an activity and/or club and get plugged-in. It will make your experience at Hobbs High much richer! I have great memories of high school (yes, I can remember that far back!) Most of them revolve around the activities I was a part of. I sang in the choir and made great friends through that experience. I have great memories of the competitions, the trips and time spent with them! I attended every sporting event we had. I watched some good games and some not so good games, but that didn't matter. We were supporting our school and our friends and enjoying our time together.....get involved, be proud to be an Eagle!
Posted by Guest  On Aug 26, 2011 at 10:08 AM 31 Comments
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