English 10

Lesson Plans: April 19th – 23rd Downing, English 2



(Students will…)

I will…

  • cite details that support central (main) ideas.
  • summarize ideas expressed in a monologue.
  • compare and contrast of two different characters in a play.

Focus Question: What do monologues reveal about characters and ideas in a play?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Take roll

Teacher Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Return to Pt. 4 Act 3
  2. Assign: Compare/Contrast Brutus’ and Antony’s Monologues (Front worksheet)

(may work with a partner if they space themselves out).

3. Remind students to complete missing work from last week.

Student Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Find Monologues in Pt. 4 Act 3
  • Complete Compare/Contrast Brutus’ and Antony’s Monologues (Front side)

Academic Vocabulary

Monologue; compare and contrast


Missing Work

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator; Worksheet


Observations, Discussions, Participation, and Compare/Contrast Worksheet.




(Students will…)

I will…

  • cite details that support central (main) ideas.
  • summarize ideas expressed in a monologue.
  • compare and contrast of two different characters in a play.

Focus Question: What do monologues reveal about characters and ideas in a play?

Class Starter

  • Copy Objectives
  • Take Roll

Teacher Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Complete yesterday’s worksheet (back side)
  2. Assign Focus Question

Student Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Complete yesterday’s worksheet (Monologues: Compare/Contrast)
  2. Answer: Focus Question “What do monologues reveal about characters and ideas in a play?”

Academic Vocabulary

Monologue; compare and contrast


Missing Work

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator


Observations, Discussions, Participation, Focus Question, and Compare/Contrast sheet.


WEDNESDAY (Early Dismissal- PLC) Duty AM/PM


(Students will…)

I will…

Focus Question:

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives

Teacher Activities

  1. Make-up Day

Student Activities

  1. Make-up Day

Academic Vocabulary



Missing Work Due Today!

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator;


Observations, Discussions, Participation, and Missing Work.


THURSDAY – Review for Unit Test


FRIDAY – Unit Test



Lesson Plans: April 12th – 16th Downing, English 2



(Students will…)

I will…

  • cite details that support central (main) ideas.
  • summarize ideas expressed in a monologue.
  • compare and contrast of two different characters in a play.

Focus Question: What do monologues reveal about characters and ideas in a play?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Take roll

Teacher Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Analyze Pt. 4 Act 3, Sc. 1
  • With class, cover: Warm-up, Instruction using Guided Notes; read assigned parts.
  • Have students answer Assignment Questions

Student Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Analyze Pt. 4 Act 3, Sc. 1
  • As a class, cover Warm-up, Instruction, using Guided Notes
  • Read assigned parts- under Assignment.

2) Answer Assignment Questions

Academic Vocabulary

Monologue, summarize, soliloquy, aside, details, compare/contrast, and central idea


Missing Work

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator


Observations, Discussions, and Assignment.




(Students will…)

I will…

  • cite details that support central (main) ideas.
  • summarize ideas expressed in a monologue.
  • compare and contrast of two different characters in a play.

Focus Question: What do monologues reveal about characters and ideas in a play?

Class Starter

  • Copy Objectives
  • Take Roll

Teacher Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Analyze Pt. 4 Act 3 Scenes 2 & 3
  • Discuss as a class Instruction
  • Read scenes 2 & 3 (assigned parts)

2. Assign Assignment

Student Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Monologues.

  1. Analyze Pt. 4 Act 3 Scenes 2&3
    • Discuss Instruction
  2. Read scenes 2 & 3 (assigned parts)
  3. Answer Assignment

Academic Vocabulary

Monologue, summarize, soliloquy, aside, details, compare/contrast, and central idea


Missing Work

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator


Observations, Discussions, and Assignment.


WEDNESDAY (Early Dismissal- PLC) Duty AM/PM


(Students will…)

I will…

  • cite details that support central (main) ideas.
  • summarize ideas expressed in a monologue.
  • compare and contrast of two different characters in a play.

Focus Question: What do monologues reveal about characters and ideas in a play?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives

Teacher Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Developing Central Ideas.

  1. Assign Quiz (Pt. 4)
  2. If time, Watch Act 4 (DVD 822.33-Marlon Brando)
  3. Write a summary of each scene/act

Student Activities

  1. Watch/discuss Acts 4 and 5 (DVD 822.33-Marlon Brando)
  2. Answer Questions

Academic Vocabulary

Monologue, summarize, soliloquy, aside, details, compare/contrast, and central idea


Missing Work

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator;


Observations, Discussions, and Summary.




(Students will…)

I will…

  • cite details that support central (main) ideas.
  • summarize ideas expressed in a monologue.
  • compare and contrast of two different characters in a play.

Focus Question: What do monologues reveal about characters and ideas in a play?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives

Teacher Activities

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Developing Central Ideas & Thematic Development.

  1. Watch Acts 4 and 5 on film (DVD 822.33-Marlon Brando)
  2. Assign students to write a summary of each scene/act

Student Activities

  1. Watch/discuss Acts 4 and 5 (DVD 822.33-Marlon Brando)
  2. Answer Questions

Academic Vocabulary

Monologue, summarize, soliloquy, aside, details, compare/contrast, and central idea


Missing Work

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator


Observations, Discussions, and Summary.







(Students will…)

I will…

  • See previous objectives

Focus Question:

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives

Teacher Activities

1. Review for Unit Test on Monday

Student Activities

1. Review for Unit Test on Monday

Academic Vocabulary

See previous academic lists


Missing Work – Review for Unit Test on Monday

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator



Observations, Discussions, and Participation.




Lesson Plans: Mar. 29th – Apr 2nd Downing, English 2



(Students will…)

I will…

  • Recall information for a unit test.
  • Use technology to answer questions.

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Take roll/New Seating

Teacher Activities

  1. Review for Unit Test (using Kahoots & Edgenuity)

Student Activities

  1. Review for Unit Test (using Kahoots & Edgenuity)

Academic Vocabulary

Review, Kahoots


Today’s Work is due Wednesday!

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator; Kahoots


Observations, Discussions, and Participation.




(Students will…)

I will…

  • Recall information for a Unit Test.

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Seat new students

Teacher Activities

1. Assign Unit Test

2. Check to see who still owes missing work.

  • If time, show Intro to Julius Caesar video

Student Activities

1. Complete Unit Test

2. Complete missing work

  • View and discuss Intro to Julius Caesar (video)

Academic Vocabulary

Unit Test


Today’s Work is due Wednesday!

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Unit Test; Caesar Video


Observations, Discussions, and Unit Test.


WEDNESDAY (Early Dismissal- PLC) Duty AM/PM


(Students will…)

I will…

  • use paraphrasing and summarizing to improve comprehension.
  • Summarize conflicts
  • Interpret foreshadowing to make predictions.

Focus Question: What reading strategies will improve comprehension of a Shakespearean tragedy?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Follow Ms. Downing’s Instructions

Teacher Activities

  1. Intro to Shakespeare (Julius Caesar); Instruction slides 3, 5, 7 for students to answer
  1. 2.Assign Assignment

Student Activities

1. Intro to Shakespeare (Julius Caesar); Answer Instruction slides 3, 5, 7.

2. Answer Assignment.

Academic Vocabulary

Plot (Freitag’s Pyramid); conflict, exposition, rising action, falling action, denouement (resolution), foreshadowing, summarize, paraphrase, comprehension, tragedy, strategy


Today’s Work is due Wednesday!

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator


Observations, Discussions, and Assignment.




(Students will…)

I will…

  • use paraphrasing and summarizing to improve comprehension.
  • Summarize conflicts
  • Interpret foreshadowing to make predictions.

Focus Question: What reading strategies will improve comprehension of a Shakespearean tragedy?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Seat new students

Teacher Activities

  1. Julius Caesar Pt 1 (Act 1: scenes 1 and 2)
  2. Assign Quiz

Student Activities

  1. Julius Caesar Pt 1 (Act 1: scenes 1 and 2)
  2. Complete Quiz

Academic Vocabulary

Plot (Freitag’s Pyramid); conflict, exposition, rising action, falling action, denouement (resolution), foreshadowing, summarize, paraphrase, comprehension, tragedy, strategy


Missing Work due Tuesday

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator;


Observations, Discussions, and Quiz.


FRIDAY –No School! Good Friday!

MONDAY- No School! Easter Monday Holiday



Lesson Plans: Mar. 15th – 19th Downing, English 2


All of “A” Group will be at school; “B” Group will be at home.


(Students will…)

I will…

  • use evidence from resources to support claims.
  • form an objective rebuttal using logical reasons.
  • revise an essay to include clarifying transitions.
  • write an argumentative essay.

Focus Question: How do you write an essay that effectively supports your claim?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Follow Ms. Downing’s Instructions

Teacher Activities

  1. Assign guided notes handout to students so they will follow along with the slide presentation (Google Classroom)
  2. Start Edgenuity Slide Show and discuss as we go along. (PRE-WRITING ONLY)
  3. When done, have students take their notes and ideas and start filling out the template. The essay is due Friday.


Write an essay to present an argument that either supports or opposes the decision to award a singer-songwriter the Nobel Prize in Literature. Your argument should include a clear claim, logical reasons, and evidence that is relevant and sufficient. (see slide 9 for help)

Student Activities

  1. Complete guided notes handout to students so they will follow along with the slide presentation (Google Classroom)
  2. View, Discuss and take notes over Edgenuity Slide Show.
  3. When done, fill out the outline template: thesis, claims, evidence, citations, and closing. Due Thursday.


Write an essay to present an argument that either supports or opposes the decision to award a singer-songwriter the Nobel Prize in Literature. Your argument should include a clear claim, logical reasons, and evidence that is relevant and sufficient.

Academic Vocabulary

Prompt, evidence, transition, rebuttal, claim, argumentative


Today’s Work is due Wednesday!

Resources/Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Teacher-Facilitator; Student-Led; Google-Classroom

  • Transitions List handout
  • Essay Planning Guideline Template
  • Guided Notes


Observations, Discussions, and Guided Notes.

WEDNESDAY TUTORING has been cancelled until further notice (Principal mandated)

THURSDAY/FRIDAY All of “B” Group will be at school; “A” Group at home


(Student will…)

I will…

  • use evidence from resources to support claims.
  • form an objective rebuttal using logical reasons.
  • revise an essay to include clarifying transitions.
  • write an argumentative essay.

Focus Question: How do you write an essay that effectively supports your claim?

Class Starter

  • Discuss objectives
  • Follow Ms. Downing’s instructions

Teacher Activities

1. Assign completion of template from Tuesday by discussing the counterclaim.

Student Activities

1. Complete template by writing the counterclaim and evidence. Reread for errors and correct.

Academic Vocabulary

Prompt, evidence, transition, rebuttal, claim, argumentative


All work is DUE TODAY!!!


Differentiated Instruction

Edgenuity; Student-Led; Google-Classroom; Transitions List handout, Essay Planning Guideline Template, Guided Notes



Observations, Discussions, and Pre-writing.




IDES OF MARCH- March 15th (Roman Calendar)

In Julius Caesar, a soothsayer warns Caesar to "Beware the Ides of March." Caesar ignores the warning and is, in fact, murdered on March 15, called "the Ides" on the Roman calendar. Over time, the date has become associated with doom and momentous events-particularly ones with disastrous effects.

1. What superstitions do you know? For example, spilling salt, etc… Are they good or bad?







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