Unit Three: Linkage Institutions

Reading Summary Links:   Look at Chapter 7-11


AP US Government


  1. The primary function of political action committees (PAC's) is to
  2. Interest groups and political parties both promote United States democracy by
  3. Critical elections in the United States typically have occurred
  4. Winner take all/ Plurality
  5. Parties –Function/Role/decline
  6. Reasons Low voter turnout
  7. Role of third parties….characteristics
  8. ticket splitting cause
  9. Nominations/ where/how
  10. Pluralist? Hyper pluralist/ Elite and Class
  11. Interest group/size/tactics/ goals/types
  12. Iron triangles
  13. differences interest groups and parties
  14. Media and liberalism /agenda setter
  15. duty of linkage Institutions
  16. PAC/ Super PAC
  17. Role of primaries/types/problems
  18. Divided Government
  19. Campaign Finance Reform/ BiPartisan Campaign Reform Act/ Citizens United
  20. Who votes and how
  21. importance of PAC $$$ and incumbents
  22. Frontloading
  23. Amicus Curie Brief
  24. Electoral College/Pros/Cons
  25. Electoral College and winner take all
  26. Interest group influence and strategies
  27. Campaign $$ and Reform








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