Portfolio Information

Junior Theatre Portfolio 

Theatre II/III or Studio Theatre



  1. Performances
    1. Written Assignments
      1. One Original Monologue
      2. One Original Scene/One Act (10-30 pages)
    2. Instructor Critiques
    3. Student Critiques
    4. Self Critiques
  2. Reflections
    1. Audition Notice
    2. Magazine Article (1)
      1. Local or State concerning Theatre – 200 word report
    3. Stage Directions (Promptbook Sample)
      1. Two Pages from Self-Directed Script
    4. Newspaper Article (1)
    5. Playbill Article (1)
    6. Chapter from theatre Source Book (1)
    7. Full Length Play (1)
      1. Reflection on a Play you attended
    8. One Act Play (1)
      1. Reflection of a One Act you attended
    9. Performance (1)
      1. Reflection of your role in a performance this year
  3. Professional Tools
    1. Updated Resume
    2. Audio Tape of Voice
    3. DVD of Performance
    4. One Vocal Exercise
    5. One Physical Warm-Up Exercise
    6. Head Shot
    7. Recommendation Letter from Director (other than myself)
    8. College Contact Sheet (1)
      1. Name of College, Fine Arts Degrees Offered, Scholarship Information, Department Chair Information, Phone Number, Address, Website, How the Contact was Made and When




Due Dates:  One Item from Section I due each 9 weeks.  Two items from Section II due each 9 weeks.  Two Items from Section III due each 9 weeks.



Senior Theatre Portfolio 

Theatre II/III or Studio Theatre



  1. Performances
    1. Written Assignments
      1. Two Original Monologue
      2. Two Original Scene/One Act (10-30 pages)
    2. Instructor Critiques (2)
    3. Student Critiques (3)
    4. Self Critiques (3)
  2. Reflections
    1. Audition Notice
    2. Magazine Article (2)
      1. Local or State concerning Theatre – 200 word report
    3. Stage Directions (Promptbook Sample)
      1. Two Pages from Self-Directed Script for two different shows
    4. Newspaper Article (2)
    5. Playbill Article (2)
    6. Chapter from theatre Source Book (2)
    7. Full Length Play (2)
      1. Reflection on a Play you attended
    8. One Act Play (2)
      1. Reflection of a One Act you attended
    9. Performance (3)
      1. Reflection of your role in a performance this year
  3. Professional Tools
    1. Updated Resume
    2. Audio Tape of Voice
    3. DVD of Performance
    4. Two Vocal Exercises
    5. Two Physical Warm-Up Exercise
    6. Head Shot
    7. Recommendation Letter from Two Directors (other than myself)
    8. College Contact Sheet (3)
      1. Name of College, Fine Arts Degrees Offered, Scholarship Information, Department Chair Information, Phone Number, Address, Website, How the Contact was Made and When



Due Dates:  One Item from Section I due each 9 weeks.  Two items from Section II due each 9 weeks.  Two Items from Section III due each 9 weeks.




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