Class Syllabus

Click for document US History Syllabus.docx 


Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,


            For the returning families, welcome back! For the new families here at Hobbs High, welcome! My name is Coach Lopez and I am teaching U.S. History/Geography.


            This year can be a fun and exciting time for all students! To accomplish this, all students should come to class everyday prompt, prepared, and with an enthusiasm for learning. I will do my part to give all students the best knowledge of Social Studies. Each student will require the support of his/her fellow classmates, as well as support from their parents/guardians at home to be successful in this class.


            High school is an exciting time in a teenager’s life. They are maturing and looking for more freedom. To gain this freedom, they must first learn responsibility.  To aid this, students will become a more active participant in their own education. Throughout the year, students will be responsible for:

            1.) bringing their materials with them each day to class.

            2.) completing and turning in class assignments and projects on time.

            3.) collecting missed work from excused absences (see class outline).


            Since the time in class is very limited, it makes it valuable. I expect students to be in class and on time every day. I understand that illness and unplanned things come up, but a student’s education is a top priority. To ensure that each student has the best opportunity to learn, they need to be in class, prepared and ready to learn.


            To keep parents as up-to-date as possible, I have created a website at . Here you can find a semester calendar with important dates, handouts for the unit (if a student loses a handout, they can go to the website to print off another copy) and unit learning expectations. There are also two pages that can be very helpful when students are doing any research and writing. You can find information about plagiarism and links to websites that are excellent tools to starting off any social studies related research. There is also a page that has assignments for the week and a page for parents to contact me with specific questions.



            I anticipate a great year filled with excitement, an abundance of knowledge, and most importantly lots of learning! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year! I look forward to working with all the students and encouraging them along-side their parents/guardians.






Coach Lopez







U.S. History Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Coach Lopez


E-mail: [email protected]


Parents: I will be available by appointment before or after school on most days. I also expect students to come in                           for help if they need it throughout the school year.

Students: Please do not wait until the end of each “grading period” to become concerned with your performance.


I. Classroom Expectations

    1. Be in your set and ready to work with the tardy bell rings.

    2. Be respectful of others in the room.

                  3.)  NO gum, food, or drinks. The only drink allowed in class will be water in a bottle with a cap.

      4.)  NO cheating or plagiarism. This includes other students’ and published works (both print and   


      5.)  Students will follow the school dress code and all other behavior policies.


      A.) Student Responsibility

                              1.) Bring the following required materials to class each day. There will be material checks throughout                         the year.

                                          -1” binder

                                          -College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper

                                          -Black or Navy Blue Pens ONLY! (at least 2)

                                          -2 subject spiral notebook


                              2.) Any absence(s) must be excused by the office (within 1 school day) to make up the work. Any                                   unexcused absence(s) will result in an automatic 0(zero) on a missed assignment(s).


      3.) Students missing class(es) are responsible to ask for material that was covered and classwork                             that was assigned the first day they have returned from an excused absence.

                         * Failure to do so will result in a 0(zero) on any work that was missed.                        


                              4.) Passing time should be used by students to get a drink and/or use the bathroom.


      II. Grading and Testing Policies and Procedures

                  A.) Assignments

                  1.) A deduction of 10% will be taken off any work:

                              a.) turned in with spiral edges.

                              b.) done in an ink other than navy blue or black.

                              c.) without the proper heading (see below) and assignment title

                  2.) Correct heading is required on every assignment in the upper right hand corner, as follows:




      Class Name/Period

                  3.) Any work that I cannot read will receive an automatic “0”.



      B.) Grades


            1.) Grades will be given according to a total point system.

            2.) Grades will be organized into specific categories

                        a. Daily Work

                        b. Participation

                        c. Quiz

                        d. Test




                  C.) Late Work Policy


                              All work turned in late will receive a deduction of points. No credit will be given after 1 week.


      D.) Promotion Policy


                  A student is required to maintain a 60% average in order to successfully pass the class. Students who     do not maintain this average will need to make these credits up in order to graduate.


      E.) Assessments


      1.) A test is a closed note and book assessment that is 26 questions or more.

                  a.) there may be a combination of matching, true/false, fill in the blank, short answer, and                                   an essay question

      2.) Essays and Projects will be used throughout the year.

      3.) Students will also be graded on participation in class; this goes beyond simply doing the class            

           work (students will receive a 70% is this is all that is done during a week). Students are expected                           to be active participants on a weekly basis.


                  F.) Extra Credit


                        1.) Extra Credit is viewed as an enrichment activity and is in no way a substitute for missed daily                                    assignments, tests or homework. Do not expect it, however, if it is offered and you are                                  eligible, take advantage of it.

                              2.) Extra Credit will be available throughout the year on various assignments and possibly as a                                           separate assignment.  

                              3.) Remember, extra credit is a privilege, not a right!


                  G.) Tutoring


                  1.) Tutoring sessions will be offered on Mondays before school unless otherwise announced.

                  2.) Students will be invited to attend and will be able to work on class material that they may need                      some extra help with.



      U.S. History Class Outline*


                  This year will cover United States History from the Reconstruction Period to today. The curriculum centers on the five founding ideals from the Declaration of Independence: equality, rights, liberty, opportunity, and democracy. This program invites students to study how Americans have applied these ideals, from establishing an American republic to the making of modern America. This course is designed to encourage students to not only learn about historical events, but also to think critically about how those events impacted the lives of people then and today. We will focus on main topics like slavery, immigration, our involvement in world affairs, American pop culture, and the politics of our nation.



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