US History
Wednesday 2/9
(Student will…)
Anaylze how postwar conditions played a role in the rise of antidemocratic governments in Europe
Teacher Activities
Student Activities
Cornell Notes/Peer Reading
Power Point Presentation
Class Discussion and writing assignment
Academic Vocabulary
Additional Resources
US History
Thursday 2\10
(Student will…)
Finish Lesson from Previous day before:
Discuss the issues surrounding how Hitler was able to take over Austria and Czchoslovakia.
Anaylze how Britain was able to resist the Nazis
Teacher Activities
Student Activities
Power Point
Grapic Organizer/Cornell Notes
Writing Assignment
Academic Vocabulary
Additional Resources
American Republic
US History
Friday 2/11
(Student will…)
Describe Nazi prejudices against Jews and early persecution of German Jews.
Teacher Activities
Check for prior knowledge – Q & A
Discuss The Holocaust
Section Quiz
6 min United Streaming clip on The Holocaust
Student Activities
Participation in discussion
Take notes as needed
Respond to Q & A
Q & A
Working Backwards – check for prior knowledge – understanding of material covered last week
Academic Vocabulary (optional by dept.)
Holocaust, Shoah, Nuremberg Laws, Wannsee Conference, concentration camp, extermination camp
Additional Resources
The American Republic
US History
Monday 2/14
(Student will…)
Trace the events that led to increasing tensions, and ultimately war, between the United States and Japan.
Teacher Activities
Check for prior knowledge – Q & A
Discuss How and why America entered the war
Provide students with key terms and names
Student Activities
Participation in discussion
Take notes as needed
Respond to Q & A
Q & A
Working Backwards – check for prior knowledge
Academic Vocabulary
America First Committee, Lend-Lease Act, hemispheric defense zone, Atlantic Charter, strategic materials
Additional Resources
The American Republic
US History
Tuesday 2/15
(Student will…)
Explain how Roosevelt helped Britain while maintaining official neutrality.
Teacher Activities
Check for prior knowledge – Q & A
Discuss How and why America entered the war
Provide students with key terms and names
Student Activities
Participation in discussion
Take notes as needed
Respond to Q & A
Q & A
Working Backwards – check for prior knowledge
Academic Vocabulary
America First Committee, Lend-Lease Act, hemispheric defense zone, Atlantic Charter, strategic materials
Additional Resources
The American Republic
US History
Wednesday 2/16
(Student will…)
Explain how the United States mobilized its economy.
Teacher Activities
Check for prior knowledge
Lecture and Discuss mobilization of the war
Student Activities
Participation in discussion
Discuss change over time
Q & A
**Identification of vocabulary**
Academic Vocabulary
Cost-plus, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Liberty ship, War Production Board, Selective Service and Training Act, disfranchise
Additional Resources
The American Republic
US History
Thursday 2/17
(Student will…)
Analyze how the Allies were able to fight a war on two fronts and turn the war against the Axis in the Pacific, Russia, and North Atlantic.
Teacher Activities
Discuss the Allies – have students write them down
Discuss the Axis - look at the map
Discuss the two fronts
Student Activities
Take notes during discussion
Participate in discussion
Identify key vocabulary
Q & A
**Identification of vocabulary**
Academic Vocabulary
Douglas MacArthur, James Doolittle, periphery, George Patton, convoy system
Additional Resources
The American Republic
US History
Friday 2/18
Participate in comprehensive analysis of material covered in this unit surrounding WWII and events leading to this monumental event
US History
Monday 02-21
(Student will…)
Participate in Unit Assessment
Teacher Activities
Pass out scantrons
Facilitate Unit Assessment
Student Activities
Participate in Unit Assessment
Multiple Choice Assessment
Academic Vocabulary (optional by dept.)
Additional Resources
The American Republic